Claude Monet: The Japanese Bridge, 1899 (detail)
Bridging the Gap
Design and construction of a temporary wooden bridge over the pond between HIR and HIL
Sa. 22.10. – Sa. 28.10.2011 | 10-12 Participants | Cost range A (250 CHF) | Good knowledge of CAD (Rhino) is desired
On the one hand bridge design is characterized by technical and scientific questions regarding the behavior of materials and assembly
logic, on the other bridges as cultural artifacts are part of our landscape and thus the subject of architectural discourse. In this
seminar week, the friction between design, materials and landscape will be explored with an experimental timber bridge at a scale of
1:1. In the first two days there will be a competition to develop the designs for a possible bridge construction. These will be built
in scaled models and stressed to study both the issues of manufacturing and assembly, as well as the structural behavior. The
winning project is then developed to execution, constructed in the workshops of RAPLAB and finally placed.
Launch event
Tuesday, 4 10th 2011, 18 clock, HIL E 36.1
Lecture by Prof. Günther Vogt on bridge and landscape
Walter Bieler, dipl. Ing. SIA, Holzbauspezialist
Chair of Structural Design
Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz
This seminar week will be realized in co-operation with the raplab.
last modified 27.3.2020