ETH Zürich  |  DARCH  |  ITA  |  Structural Design  |  EXCURSIONS  |  SPRING 2009 
Stockport Victorian Market Hall - photo: Torve
Stockport Victorian Market Hall - photo: Torve (Flickr)

Engineering industrialisation
Architecture and Structural Engineering at the time of industrialization

Sa. 21.03. – Sa. 28.03.2009 | 8 - 16 Participants | Cost range C (750 CHF) | Pics of the trip | Poster

In the beginning of the 19th century, a new technological and social era commences. Benefiting from relaxed forms of absolutism and the Manorial system, as well as through the abolition of mandatory guild membership, free trade is able to establish itself quickly and generate capital, first of all in the UK. In addition to a new economic system the consequences are above all of technical nature: inventions such as the steam engine, the spinning machine or the industrial iron production. Over a few decades during the industrial revolution, past conditions change.

In the wake of economic and social restructuring and the accompanying urbanization and also due to necessary material transports, an altogether new traffic infrastructure is developed. The new building material steel is used fort he first time, enabling lighter and more efficient structures. In short time engineers and architects erect industrially required constructions, such as bridges, warehouses, railway stations and factories, followed soon by social buildings, such as department stores, city halls and town houses.

This period of time and its technical achievements have naturally influenced contemporary constructions. Industrial architecture and construction are solid concepts in the building industry, originating more than 170 years ago.
Our journey aims at tracing the spirit of this time and investigating remaining buildings in characteristic locations. We are interested in questioning which forms and possibilities the industrial revolution brought along at that time and how these have been developed until the present day.

Experts and Highlights

Seminarweek England
Workshop Zürich
Jürg Conzett – Die Konstruktionen von I. K. Brunel
Hannes Henz – Architekturfotografie & Details
Experimenteller Entwurf

Chair of Structural Design
Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz

Transportation, accommodation, visits and reader are included.

last modified 4.2.2020