Walliman Nicole, HS2014
Structural design as Integrated Discipline
Within the framework of integrated discipline, the load bearing structure of the semester design and the process of its creation are the
main focus of the work. Continuous development analogous to the architectural design process is as fundamental as the independent
development of structural concepts. With the help of concentrated analysis and a step-by-step structural response, the student should
develop for an appropriate structural solution that corresponds to the architectural design ideas.
Registration to Structural Design as Integrated Discipline must be done no later than the third lecture week of the semester with
consulting assistants. During the semester
two meetings with the chosen assistant are compulsory. The
work developed for Structural Design as Integrated Discipline should preferably be integral part of the final
presentation of the design projects.
In evaluating the work we place emphasis on:
last modified 27.3.2020