ETH Zürich  |  DARCH  |  ITA  |  Structural Design 

German Pavilion at Montreal ′67 by Frei Otto, 1967

Structural Design VII

This course will introduce the students to the basic components of conducting research, namely, understanding the context and state of the art, formulating a research question, developing a methodology, evaluating results and drawing conclusions. Depending on the research topic, the students will carry out data collection, data interpretation, physical and digital experimentation, design exploration and evaluation of the results.

The students will work on a research topic within the fields of Material and Digital Systems in Structural Design or History of Structural Design. All investigations will be guided and assessed by one or more researchers with expertise in the research topic.

For further information, please have a look at the eQUILIBRIUM-Plattform

last modified 27.3.2020