ETH Zürich  |  DARCH  |  ITA  |  Structural Design  |  COURSES  |  STRUCTURAL DESIGN III-IV 

Diving Platform by Cerfeda, Börmann, Strässle, Vidalis - SDIV FS2016

Structural Design III/IV

After a brief review of the key aspects taught in Structural Design I and II, the course Structural Design III will examine the interplay of architectural concepts and structural systems by analyzing buildings of exemplary quality. Structures built out of steel, reinforced concrete, timber and masonry are studied. During the exercise sessions, three-dimensional structures will be analyzed using graphic statics taking the relationship between form, forces and material aspects into account, as presented in the lectures.

For further information, please have a look at the eQUILIBRIUM-Plattform

last modified 16.9.2020