Hemeroscopium house by Ensamble Studio - photo: Ensamble Studio
Strong Structures
Architecture and the Art of Structural Engineering in Madrid
Su. 21.3. – Sa. 27.3.2010 | 12 - 16 Participants | Cost range D | Poster |
Structure as a matter of architectural expression has a tradition in Spanish architecture.
In between the creative idea and physical necessity great effort has been made by architects
and engineers like Antoni Gaudi, Eduardo Torroja, Felix Candela or Miguel Fisac to combine
the structure and the generation of space. This trend can also be well observed in contemporary
architecture represented by architects like Santiago Calatrava, Sancho Madridejos or
Estudio Ensamble.
We will focus on buildings, which are characterised by the quest for the relation
of shape and force. Using the means of writing about architecture we will converge to this topic.
Writing means reflecting, reflecting on the observed and thus writing as a stimulation for
a process of understanding. On our excursion we will be kindly supported by Hubertus Adam, an experienced publicist and editor of the
journal "Archithese".
Hubertus Adam, Redakteur Archithese
Gabriela Dimitrova
Lucienne Köpfli
Chair of Structural Design
Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz
Transportation, accommodation, visits and reader are included.
last modified 4.2.2020