Geometry-based explorations on space, energy, and structure for a holistic design of buildings |
F. Bertagna 2020 - 2023 |

Geometry-based graphical methods applied in the conceptual design of a multistory building.
Designing a building is a complex, open-ended process that involves a number of disciplines and professionals. Architects and engineers must address questions of space-making, structural performance, building energy performance, and user comfort simultaneously without overlooking the environmental impact that certain design choices entail. Holistic design frameworks offer a way to address such a variety of design aspects jointly from the conceptual stage of the design. The objective of this doctoral research is to investigate geometry-based graphical methods as a possible way to enable effective holistic strategies for the conceptual design of buildings. The inherent diagrammatic nature of graphical methods unfolds the relationship between form and performance, while geometry-based models allow for the integration of different disciplines as part of a unified design framework in which geometry becomes the common ground. The Chair of Structural Design advocates the reconciliation of the disciplines of architecture and structural engineering as a key aspect towards a comprehensive understanding of the interplay of form and forces. The application of geometry-based methods like graphic statics is a key aspect in this regard. As part of this broader research context, the current research ultimately aims to bring a two-fold contribution. First, by investigating how such interdisciplinary design principles and methods can find an effective application in the conceptual design of buildings. Second, by adding building physics as an integral part of a novel design framework along with architecture and structural engineering. Related publications:
- Bertagna Federico, Schwartz Joseph, D'Acunto Pierluigi (2022). Graphical methods as the key to holistic design: bringing together structural design and solar control strategies, Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2022 - Innovation, Sustainability, Legacy, Beijing, China.
- Bertagna Federico, D'Acunto Pierluigi, Ohlbrock Patrick Ole (2021). Conceptual design of three-dimensional structural and sun-shading facades supported by machine-learning, Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2020/21 - Inspiring the Next Generation, Surrey, UK.
- Bertagna Federico, D'Acunto Pierluigi, Ohlbrock Patrick Ole and Moosavi Vahid (2021). Holistic Design Explorations of Building Envelopes Supported by Machine Learning, Journal of Facade Design & Engineering, Volume 9, Number 1.
last modified 20.1.2023